Poetry Friday

Poetry Friday September 15, 2023


Haiku of the Week

skipper weaves legs
through prickly buttonbush—
anything for sweets
Haiku & Photo © 2023 Marcie Flinchum Atkins
Photo Taken: July 10, 2023 at Green Spring Gardens
Haiku Written: August 16, 2023

What I’m Reading

by Jacqueline Jules, illustrated by Eszter Anna Rácz 
I live just a few miles from the Pentagon, and on 9/11, my husband was working near the Capitol Building, so he saw the smoke from the Pentagon. I’ve been hoping for a book about 9/11 that focused on what happened there. This collection of poems really focuses on the children who were affected that day in our area.

What I’m Noticing

I have found one of the chrysalises from the caterpillars I spotted last week. Now I’m on a daily monarch watch. It’s tucked under my deck.