Workshops for Writers

Using Mentor Texts to Improve Your Writing

Often writing classes provide a broad sweep of an entire genre. But if you need to figure out how to write something within a genre or age group, writers should turn to mentor texts. This presentation helps other writers figure out how to design a reading and writing plan that is designed specifically for their areas that need improvement.

Bullet Journaling for Writers

If you want to try bullet journaling that specifically focuses on your writing, this session will give you tips on how to make a bullet journal work for your needs. You’ll brainstorm spreads and see examples of how to track your writing goals and daily tasks using this popular organizational tool.

Making Time to Write

Our lives are all filled with the jobs, caring for families and other important activities. How do we make time to write in the midst of the busyness? If you want to figure out how to make time to write that best fits your personality and your personal schedule, this session will offer ideas for incorporating writing into the margins of your life.


** Need a different workshop for writers that’s not listed above? Contact Marcie (marcie [at] marcieatkins [dot] com) for a customized presentation.**