Poetry Friday

Poetry Friday: Summer of Parks and Books

Linda Mitchell is hosting Poetry Friday over at A Word Edgewise. Did you know Linda and I are both librarians, but we met over poetry? True story. Renee LaTulippe introduced us virtually from Italy, even though Linda and I live not too far from each other. 

Summer of Parks and Books

I’m always up for a challenge. A few weeks ago, I declared that this summer would be the “Summer of Mary Oliver.” Truth is, I’ve been reading Mary Oliver since the spring and I’m still not done with my stack of books. I’ve also got big plans for the Sealey Challenge in August. Sometimes, I take on more challenges than I can actually accomplish.
School is over for me, but before school finished, I did a book fair at the very end of the school year. I had many amazing volunteers and two different parents mentioned two cool summer challenges in separate conversations. One talked about a challenge of visiting many of our county parks in one summer. We are in the DC metro area and there are many, many, many parks. She pointed me to a list from 2019 that was very helpful!
Then another parent mentioned that she takes her kids to every single library in our county over the course of the summer. We have 23 branches!
In order to cover many of the parks and all of the libraries, I’d have to visit more than a 1-2 a week. But I was intrigued. How many could I visit? Could I visit ones in close proximity together?
One afternoon–when I should have been doing many other things–I put together a list of the parks and the libraries, matching up the ones close to each other. Do I think I can get to all of them in the course of the summer? Not really. I think there’s too many to see in the few short weeks I’m off. But I’m going to see as many of them as I can.
I’ve been wanting to practice with my new camera and macro lens, so I decided to do that while I visit the parks. 

Ashby Pond Conservatory Site + Fairfax City Regional Library’s Virginia Room 

Ashby Pond Conservatory, Taken with iPhone
Ashby Pond Conservatory, taken with iPhone
Ashby Pond Conservatory, Taken with Macro Lens
Research for local history class at the Virginia Room, Fairfax City Regional Public Library

Many Virginia public library systems have a branch with a “Virginia Room” dedicated to Virginia history and genealogy. It has subscriptions to various online research tools, old newspapers, old maps, uncatalogued vertical files, and reference books that are non-circulating. It’s a treasure trove! 


Green Spring Gardens + George Mason Regional Public Library

Green Spring Gardens path, taken with iPhone
Green Spring Gardens creek, taken with iPhone
Green Spring Gardens, flowers after a rain, taken with Macro lens
Stack of poetry books checked out at George Mason Regional Public Library
Do you like to plan out your summers (like I do)? Or are you more of a make-no-plans kind of person?
I’ll keep posting about my park and book adventures this summer. We’ll see how many I get to check off my list. 

Haiku of the Week

tulip poplar
casts one to the creek—
floating beauty
Haiku & Photo © 2023 Marcie Flinchum Atkins
Photo Taken: May 3, 2023 at my nearby sit spot
Haiku Written: May 18, 2023

Haiku Moments Playlist


What I’m Reading

On the Horizon
by Lois Lowry
I also read through this lovely stack of old and new poetry collections. 

What I’m Noticing

My husband visited a glass factory on a recent business trip. He brought me back several beautiful things, including this vase for my windowsill. It’s filled with flowers from the local farmer’s market.


  • Bridget Magee

    I love how you take on challenges, Marcie! And your photography skills are phenomenal. 🙂
    About visiting libraries…In June 2009 my husband took a job in Tucson, AZ just as the weather started blazing. (We’d moved from Madison, WI.) Our girls were young and it was HOT so I learned my way around the area and took advantage of the free indoor AC activities by visiting all 27 library branches in the Pima County Library system. My girls and I have the best memories from that summer.

  • Linda Mitchell

    You inspire me with your challenges…and a book fair at the end of the year? Yowsa! You have energy. But, it’s really great to get books into the hands of kids. I was recently meeting with a trainer at the gym so I can get back on track for exercise. They asked me about my hobbies and said they have never ever met anyone that counted “research” as a hobby. It’s funny out of context…but writers and librarians certainly understand. The idea of a floating beauty is perfect for haiku.

  • Rose Cappelli

    You continue to amaze me with your challenges, Marcie! I love the idea of visiting the area parks and libraries. And those photos are outstanding!

  • Jone

    I love everything about this post. I love that your are visitng the libraries and your photos are stunning. and the tulip popular. I am hoping to do the poetry reading challenge in August.

  • Michelle Kogan

    Thanks Marcie, for this treasure trove of 📚s, park images, and your gorgeous haiku pic and poem, I enjoyed this virtual visit immensely! I’ll have to checkout the Nesbitt poetry book, I’m a fan of hers. Looking forward to more of your library and park ventures…

  • Linda Baie

    The challenges met will bring you many, many beautiful photos like you shared today, Marcie, and more poetry, of course, too. A favorite local artist whose works are created from found metal I have purchased and who stopped to visit the bookstore where I work sadly passed away about a year and a half ago. A new branch of our library system was named for him & I visited that one. I live a block from my branch but have a few other favorites. Now you’ve made me want to see what others are like – maybe this summer? I love your ‘floating beauty’! Happy summer to you!

  • Molly Hogan

    I love your summer challenge and your energy! What a great idea to combine the parks and libraries–and how cool is that book about folk poetry found on gravestones!? Also, your macro photography is especially spectacular. Wow!

  • Susan T.

    Marcie, those images are beautiful, and I like the haiku, too. This time of year smells so good in CT as spring fades into summer. Your summer challenge is a fun one! Part of my summer is planned; much is not. I am hoping to do some more writing.


    THE SPIDER PIC!!!! It is S T U N N I N G!
    I’m thinking about “Artist Dates” that I am not getting to (6 weeks in to THE ARTIST’S WAY)… and never thought about taking myself to the library for a date! Once again, Marcie-inspiration!

  • Carol Varsalona

    Marcie, growing up I always loved libraries. One of my best memories is walking to the library in the summer with my Nonnie. While she did not speak English, she wanted me to be filled with knowledge. I loved taking home stacks of books. My oldest granddaughter is filled with the same love of libraries. In fact, she takes so many books home from the school library that her mother has had to pay many fines. Now, we have to teach her to keep all of her library books in one spot in the house when she goes into 1st grade. Your photos are beautiful and you inspired me to visit the libraries around me. Thanks for the nature pictures.

  • Laura Purdie Salas

    I always adore reading about your challenges, Marcie, and following along! I love to plan things like that, too. But life has kinda gone to hell in a handbasket over the past five weeks. Things are *slightly* settling down, and although my schedule and transportation will be uncertain for the rest of summer, I was just thinking yesterday, “Okay, Laura, there’s still two full months of summer left. What do you want it to look like?” I want to be intentional about enjoying each season.” Thanks for reinforcing that today in your post–and thanks for the glorious images and lovely haiku.