• Mom’s Write: Getting Rid of the Domestic Diva Mentality

    If you have a clean house 100% of the time, write for hours a day, work full-time, spend most of your time chasing young children,  and have all of your laundry folded and put away, then this post probably isn’t for you. But if you feel like something is…

  • Mom’s Write: The Writing Life is Not a Race

    Ready, Set, Go! Do you ever feel like we writers are in a race to the finish line? The person with the most endurance, training, talent is going to be the winner.  If you are a mom writer, you might even feel like you’ll never be able to stay…

  • Mom’s Write: Quiet Time

    I don’t know a mom who doesn’t crave a little quiet time–a little time to relax and reset for the next thing that’s coming up. But if you are a writer, you need quiet time to write. If you are a mom with little kids, you might think quiet…

  • Mom’s Write: A Day in the Life

    Today I begin a new series for my Making Time to Write Mondays focused on writing while mothering and keeping down a full-time job. Every Monday for the next few weeks, I’ll write specific tips for writers who are also moms. My cousin recently asked me what a typical…