Where in the World is Marcie Writing?

Where in the World is Marcie Writing? Railroad Tracks

I was a huge fan of the game of “Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?” It was one of the first computer games I ever played as a kid and we played it on my grandfather’s computer.

If you’ve been following my blog for awhile, you know that I’m a big proponent of Making Time to Write no matter what your schedule or your life circumstances are. Sometimes the summer can mean not only crazy schedule changes and upheaval, and it also might mean that you have to write in some odd places. I personally always find the summertime a time when I get a lot of writing done. But it’s not always in my awesome writing cave.

I know a lot of writers are big on setting up their place to write (I have a preferred place too), but I have learned to write in many places. If I waited until I could only write in my office, then I would be getting a whole lot less writing done. These posts were inspired on a post Romella Broas did on places she writes. I thought it might be fun to record some of the places I wrote away from my office this summer.

By the railroad tracks
By the railroad tracks

The rail walk in our town has benches. It’s very close to where my daughter was attending art classes. While I waited on her to get out of art class, I wrote at one of the benches to the sounds of the trains going by. Trains are good for drowning out other distracting noises, so it was a fun spot to edit some work.

One Comment

  • Romelle Broas

    That’s great, Marcie! Where is Marcie Atkins writing? The railroad station is a fascinating place to write. You could find ideas there. Looking forward to seeing other places you write.